Wednesday, July 21, 2010

INCEPTION By Christopher Nolan

The art of Christopher Nolan- a gifted director, is still a far cry from coherency even if that is his trademark.  Complexity is his flair; Fractured storyline- his drawback.  No wonder, Inception is as weak on coherency as was his Memento or The Following.  Nolan is a director whose works need a compulsive second watch not for the beauty of the movie but to remove the cobwebs of confusion from one's mind.  His movies moves so fast that it is difficult to keep pace with the events and their causes. A dynamic maze that keeps changing with the movment of the prisoner.

The basic idea behind Inception can be traced back to The Cell by Tarsem Singh and the cinematography and special effects seems to have drawn too much from Shooter (the climactic shots in ice-cloaked mountains) and 2012 (the apocalyptic shots with dilapidated skyscrapers falling like a house of cards, a gift by IMAX Corporation).

The casting is not impressive.  He could have involved a few more apt faces rather than Ellen Page and Dileep Rao. It looks as if Dileep Rao is used more as an element of humour representing the black magic of the orient or as a third world sage(as in Drag Me To Hell) rather than a serious character with a role-to-be-taken-seriously.

It appears as though when an idea or a plot strikes Nolan, he starts working on it, at once, and completes it with a zillion improvisations.  He is like a Jackson Pollock of Cinema.  Keep things in action and forget what you actually had in mind at the outset, and even if you realise in the middle of a story that you have lost track of what you started, then just pass this responsibility on the spectators intellect by skipping completing the loop of mystery.  The audience will sort it out by themselves...... Time to start working on a new project.

Despite all these flaws, Christopher is still a thinker.  A thinker who starts but never finishes - a quality not uncommon for people from creative avenues.  It is the process (journey) and not the end that is most satisfying. Crisis, not contentment keeps you alive....

Good Luck Christopher for your next Mesh (Mess)..!!!!!!    

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